Anthony Pearlgood of PHS Data Solutions
Today we’ll meet Anthony Pearlgood, Managing Director of Data Solutions for PHS Datashred, PHS Records Management and Capital Capture. PHS runs 14 shred sites, eight record centers and two scanning bureaus mostly in the UK, but with operations in Ireland, Holland and Spain as well.
The European Information Management Conference, hosted by NAID-Europe and PRISM International, was held last week in Amsterdam. I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing three executives of large European RIM companies as part of the conference keynote. The keynote was called RIMproLive Europe.
Over the next few weeks, I’m going to replay the interviews.
Today we’ll meet Anthony Pearlgood, Managing Director of Data Solutions for PHS Datashred, PHS Records Management and Capital Capture. PHS runs 14 shred sites, eight record centers and two scanning bureaus mostly in the UK, but with operations in Ireland, Holland and Spain as well.
There are a lot of great things to learn from this interview.
We also get you caught up on the latest industry news.
Enjoy the show.
Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.